Project Description

Alien Drag comes in peace. They mean no harm.

These noise-laden hook merchants inadvertently crash-landed their intergalactic shuttle on Boston’s Northshore, and are now unable to escape Earth’s strong gravitational pull. Strong, that is, compared to their home planet’s.

But, do not despair. In addition to spending their time assimilating to Earth’s customs, they also created “sound assemblages” in their spare time – just like they did back home. First came the sound assemblage album, Escape From Alpha. Next came three sound assemblage singles: “Lucky Trousers,” “RockMore,” and “Kiss Your Trash.”

Relax, and take it all in. Consider it all a goodwill gesture. A peace offering, if you will, from Alien Drag to the planet Earth.

It sounds just like it used to on the bridge of their Scrumbleship, as they traversed the galaxies.

Earth-based reactions to Escape From Alpha:

First of all: PLAY LOUD. Second of all, don’t listen to this collection expecting something either completely serious and conventional or something reputably avant-garde and somewhat boring. This is a curious mix of punk rock conventions yoked to bizarre, Queen-like grandiosity… ”
– Francis DiMenno, The Noise Boston

“After repeated listenings, you’ll agree, Escape from Alpha proves to be a diamond in the rough from a very clever quartet of rockers.”
– Doug Sloan, Metronome Magazine

“I love it, good music…”
– Adam12, RadioBDC broadcast


T-J0N35 (Trent Jones): Guitars, Vocals, Systems Engineering
E-81834ULT (Eric Bibeault): Guitars, Vocals, Diplomacy
J-L4NDR7 (Joe Landry): Bass, Circuit Analysis
G-84LL4RD (Gary Ballard): Drums, Propulsion Systems

Bandcamp site



